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Life changing moments
January 18, 2020


Consistency -- it's not the sexiest word. Usually my new year's words are more along the lines of Freedom, Adventure, Joy, Dreams, or something equally opening and inspiring. If you told me a year ago I would start the new decade with a word like "Consistency," I would have scoffed and laughed in your face, and yet here I am…
Life Experiments
November 11, 2019

Celebrating 10 Years!

Today marks the 10-year-anniversary of 6 Months to Live! What started as a personal 6-month experiment, turned into a life philosophy and hopefully and most importantly, a catalyst for people to go after their own dreams and 6-month experiments. THERE IS A LOT TO CELEBRATE! Along the way, the blog received several awards and thanks to many of you reading, turned…
ChoiceNo Regrets
October 5, 2019

Time Traveler

I just finished rewatching one of my favorite movies, It's About Time. It's not ruining the plot to tell you it's about a man who has the ability to travel back in time, but only to moments of his life that he's already lived. What if you had an opportunity to relive any day in your life? Or to undo…
Life changing moments
September 18, 2019

慢慢来: The Hidden Gifts in Slowing Down

Chinese have a popular saying, "man man lai." It literally translates as "slow, slow, come," but essentially means to take things slowly or to give it time. I have fought this idea my entire life. On the Move I love going fast. I love being out, exploring the world. I love moving forward. This is why living in New York…
Thought Provoking
August 14, 2019

Yin + Yang: Why We Need Balance

"Would you rather be right or dead?" I remember my friend asking me this minutes after I'd almost been hit by a car. Although I had the right of way, people in Atlanta are not used to pedestrians or bikers in cross-walks, so a BMW flew around the corner, and it was a close call. Rather than thanking my lucky…
Being the Change
August 6, 2019

What Does It Take to Make a Change?

The shootings in America this weekend are truly horrifying. What's more terrifying is how commonplace this news is becoming and that the shootings in Chicago didn't even make national news. I still remember how shocking the Columbine and Virginia Tech shootings were. The grief we felt as a nation matched that of 9/11, and we couldn't fathom how this could…
July 29, 2019

How to Deal With the Unexpected

Life is change, but that doesn't make it easy. How do you handle the unexpected? The unexpected happens, usually in a moment. Perhaps the better and more poignant question is: how do you deal with the uncertainty that follows the unexpected? It's normal to worry and stress, but the sooner you can shift your focus, the sooner you can move…
February 12, 2017

Another Kind of V-Day

We all enter the world the same---vulnerable and clueless. From day 1, we rely on our communities to school us in who we are in relation to others, what to (not) believe, and how to go about life. At some point, we may question one or more of these stories, and that's when the magic begins. the courage to question  How…
February 5, 2017

What Can We Learn from Loss?

How does it feel to lose? Last night's Super Bowl Game was rough for Falcons fans. It's easy to feel defeated when your loyalties are on the losing side of history. After a big win, most of us know how to celebrate. We come together, we toast, we eat, we dance, we laugh, we unite. In loss, we don't always…
Being the ChangeChoiceCourageThought Provoking
March 24, 2016

We Have a Choice.

The world is doing some pretty crazy things right now. Between Brussels, Nigeria, and the current political situation and actions in the US, I often feel dumbfounded, angry, and deeply saddened. This is to say nothing of the recent GoFundMe campaigns from friends who are raising money for their baby girl who needs major heart surgery, a friend from high school…

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6 Months to Live: The Experiment Continues