
Being the Change

Being the Change
June 14, 2020

We Need a Leader

I woke up to a message from my friend that struck me. She said, "What I feel the whole BLM is missing is that leader to speak for us. We don't have a MLK or a Malcom X right now." Her comment made me think about leadership in 2020. In the midst of Black Lives Matter, Covid, politics, global economic…
Being the Change
April 19, 2020

What is Worth Rushing Back To?

2020 has been a slap in the face. Covid-19 has gotten our attention worldwide, and as we contemplate a "New Normal," we get a say individually and collectively into what that looks like. A popular Dave Hollis quote has been making its rounds across Global social platforms:  What "Normal" is actually worth rushing back to? As I said in my…
Being the Change
August 6, 2019

What Does It Take to Make a Change?

The shootings in America this weekend are truly horrifying. What's more terrifying is how commonplace this news is becoming and that the shootings in Chicago didn't even make national news. I still remember how shocking the Columbine and Virginia Tech shootings were. The grief we felt as a nation matched that of 9/11, and we couldn't fathom how this could…
Being the ChangeChoiceCourageThought Provoking
March 24, 2016

We Have a Choice.

The world is doing some pretty crazy things right now. Between Brussels, Nigeria, and the current political situation and actions in the US, I often feel dumbfounded, angry, and deeply saddened. This is to say nothing of the recent GoFundMe campaigns from friends who are raising money for their baby girl who needs major heart surgery, a friend from high school…
Being the Change
April 2, 2013

I’m Coming Out!

Remember that awesome Diana Ross song from 1980, "I'm Coming Out?" I distinctly remember 70's Disco music making a consistent appearance in my early childhood--that and Barry White. Looks like my parents were groovin' clear into the 80's! The lyrics go a little something like this: There's a new me coming out And I just had to live And I…
Being the Change
January 15, 2010

Day 65: A New Life

Life presents many opportunities. The trick is to both recognize them and to take a chance. I'm making headway in my "Keeping Promises" post from December. I had an audition for a community theater project this week (and got accepted into the troupe!), I'm actively working on the book, and most importantly, I moved to San Francisco. Calm In the…

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6 Months to Live: The Experiment Continues