

October 15, 2012

The Best Adventures Begin with Choice

Most epic stories or adventures begin with a dramatic life change. Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love, decided to go on an incredible journey to Italy, India, and Indonesia after a devastating break up. Elliot's life was completely turned upside down when E.T. arrived. Queen Elizabeth I took the throne as England's first sole female monarch after the death of her…
ChoiceCourageHeartLifeLife changing momentspassionQuestions that CountSoulTrust
December 30, 2011

Cleaning House: Making Room for a New Year

The Chinese have a beautiful tradition for Spring Festival, or Chinese New Year. Each family cleans their house thoroughly before the end of the year. In mopping, dusting, and sweeping every nook and cranny, the old energy of the previous year is cleared away, and there is space for the new. On the first day of the new year (according…
November 3, 2011

Whole People. Whole Lives.

I recently took a risk. I added business contacts to my Facebook page and uploaded my personal blog on LinkedIn. I've always maintained a clear line between my professional life and my personal life. This seemingly simple switch came from a recent conversation I had about modern global leadership. Integrating Personal + Professional I will be the first to admit…
May 24, 2011

Saying Yes! The Banjo Post

When was the last time you did exactly what you felt like doing? Not what you "should" do, not what you kind of wanted to do, exactly what you wanted--no compromises.  How many times a day do we tell ourselves, "not today" or "one day?" Photo by Tian Jiang What have you been putting off? I woke up about a…

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6 Months to Live: The Experiment Continues