
Acceptance Archives - 6 Months to Live: The Experiment Continues

April 14, 2023

The Power of Saying “Yes”

In a world full of "no's," and "not enough's," why is it so important that we start saying "yes" to ourselves? We all live with choice. What choices are you making?  If you truly said "yes" to yourself in every aspect of your life, what would that look like? What would saying "yes" to yourself look like today? And not "yes"…
Life changing moments
September 18, 2019

慢慢来: The Hidden Gifts in Slowing Down

Chinese have a popular saying, "man man lai." It literally translates as "slow, slow, come," but essentially means to take things slowly or to give it time. I have fought this idea my entire life. On the Move I love going fast. I love being out, exploring the world. I love moving forward. This is why living in New York…
Guest Posts
July 9, 2012

“Letting Go” by Saara Ali

Very excited to feature 6 Months to Live's first guest post, "Letting Go," by Saara Ali! Her post speaks to her experiences working with women on a farm in Africa and the incredible life lessons they've taught her. Read more about Saara below and be sure to check out her blog, Growing in Africa . Letting Go What surprises people…
PerspectiveThought Provoking
October 25, 2011

Why 28 is Great!

Even at 100, my grandmother always said, "My favorite age is the one I'm at because I'll never be this age again." As a kid, that statement seemed  obvious. "Of course you would enjoy and appreciate the age you're at," I thought to myself, but as I got older, I found myself wanting to look older and now that I'm…
May 1, 2011

In-between Sizes

Remember that awkward puberty period? That was fun. Clothes were either too big or too tight. Styles looked good one month and a sudden body shift would turn it into a trash item. Our society addresses this idea of limbo with a somewhat negative connotation. There's a pressure to figure it out immediately, "What are your plans?" True Growth Comes…
TED TalkVulnerability
December 7, 2010

The “V” Word

"Courage is to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart." -Dr. Brené Brown's TED Talk I've tried to write this post several times in the past month. It started with a breakup. It took a detour with an empowering TED Talk I watched today that essentially says the people that feel the most loved and connected…
November 12, 2010

I Believe!

Today marks the 1-year-anniversary of 6 Months to Live! It's been quite the week leading up to this moment: featured on Freshly Pressed for the first time, feeling incredible highs and lows, and reconnecting with numerous friends to name a few of the highlights of the past 7 days. If I had to single out one overarching theme or thought…
CourageNo Regrets
September 5, 2010

Undo Button

I recently located the "undo" button for my online checkers game, allowing me to instantly erase a move that cost me a king or a double jump. How nice would it be to have an "undo" button for life? How many times have we all said something we wish we could delete or acted in a way we've conveniently glossed…

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6 Months to Live: The Experiment Continues