Monthly Archives

December 2012

New Experiences
December 31, 2012

12 for 2012

If your 2012 was anything like mine, it was a great year filled with transformation, hope, uncertainty, dreams, and life changing choices. I've chosen 12 photos and 12 blog posts (not necessarily related) from each month to capture what 2012 has meant for me. I thank each and every one of you reading for joining me on my journey and…
Guest Posts
December 20, 2012

How to Make Hard Decisions by Kim Nicol

"Be Curious. Savor all of it." --Kim's tagline on her website, How to Make Hard Decisions I know what I want but it's scary and (maybe) irresponsible.  I knew for a long time that I wanted to __________.  I'm leaving out the specifics of my desire because you can place just about anything in there and this story will…
December 18, 2012

Hot Tub Ambassador

"Buenos dìas! Buenos dìas!" said the full-faced smiling boy, as he bobbed around the hot tub in his turtle and seahorse covered flota. He made his rounds to all the Mexican, American, and Canadian guests at the El Cid, the marina/hotel I'm staying at in Mazatlan, waving everyone hello before pausing on a manmade rock to speak with me. Rock where Diego and…
December 8, 2012

The Adventure Begins (Again!)

I just finished a journal I began in August. At the time I was living in San Francisco, going through the motions. Job, apartment, and friends were all good, but it felt like something was missing. I took a “date with Jackie” day, which essentially means spending most of the day alone doing whatever I feel like. Most of those…

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6 Months to Live: The Experiment Continues