Monthly Archives

November 2013

CoursesThe Academy
November 26, 2013

How to Get Clear & Create Your Vision Course!

This is an incredibly powerful self-paced course that will help you get clear on your vision, align with your dreams, and show you how to take action towards manifesting them! If you don't know where you're going, you'll never get there. The top regret of the dying is "I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to…
November 20, 2013

When to Bail Out or Stay the Course

This time last year, I was in the process of creating a huge and seemingly crazy dream. I decided in August of 2012 that I wanted to leave my job and my life in San Francisco and sail in South America. I had no idea how to sail. Very long story short, I found myself living the dream 3 months…
November 15, 2013

Drop the Mask & Be Who You Are

That title is easy to write but can be incredibly difficult to do. From a young age, we are encouraged to wear a variety of masks and labels so much so that the #1 regret of the dying is: "I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me." And…
November 11, 2013

Celebrating A Love of My Life!

Guess what today is?!?! IT'S THE BLOG'S 4TH BIRTHDAY!!!  My love affair with "6 Months to Live" has been a journey of joy and of course, ups & downs. There are times I'm madly in love and there have been times I seriously thought about leaving the relationship. Ultimately, I always keep going because I believe with every fiber of my being…

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6 Months to Live: The Experiment Continues