I can tell you the exact moment I knew I fell in love with Africa. It was while I was living out my dreams. I’d shirked the 9-to-5 routine in exchange for an extraordinary life. I was sitting high atop Namibia’s most photographed sand dune, Dune 45. I had just experienced the most grueling, lung-aching 20 minutes of my life, climbing 170m up through Namibia’s legendary rust-colored sand. Exhausted and completely out of breath, I joined my travel companions and promptly collapsed on the ridge. We sat there in near silence – only the sound of panting could be heard as we all tried desperately to catch our breath. Then it happened. The moment we were waiting for – the sun came up over the horizon in the distance. This was no ordinary sunrise, it was one I’d seen before only in the movies – and as the sun crept slowly over the horizon, and the warm rays touched my face – I knew it. This was the beginning of a lifelong love affair with Africa and it had solidified the notion that I could live my life on my own terms and do anything I set my mind to – even if it went against societal norms.

Have faith the universe will catch you!

It’s been almost an entire year since I returned from my trip to Africa, and I am gearing up to go back. After blogging about my 2012 experience with Nomad Adventure Tours, they decided to bring me back and enjoy some more of their amazing tours. On July 17th I set off on my second Nomad Adventure Tour where I will get to meet with the famous Maasai Mara, I’ll get to knock off a very big bucket list item – gorilla trekking in the mountains of Uganda, I’ll spend 3 days camping in the Serengeti, I’ll scuba dive off the shores of Zanzibar, and I get to finish it all up in front of one of the seven wonders of the world- the almighty Victoria Falls. This incredible 38-day tour will then be followed up by three amazing weeks of volunteering with the lions, once again, at Antelope Park in Gweru, Zimbabwe. I will finally get to return to my heart’s happy place and be one with the king of the jungle.

If the last couple years of travel have taught me anything – it’s to walk confidently in the direction of your heart’s desires. I’ve always wanted to see the world, to work towards a cause that was much greater than myself, and to share all of my experiences with anyone who was willing to listen. And now –thanks to my blog- I get to do all of that, and I get to reach a much wider audience than I ever imagined possible.
Funnily enough, a lot of the opportunities that I have been given have come about because I said NO. I said NO to working the typical 9-to-5, I said NO to my parents when they suggested me going back to school, and simply put I said NO to living an ordinary life. I am not a sheep – why should I live my life following the same cookie-cutter method that everyone else has?
My heart said, “Go out and see the world. Go out and experience all the amazingness that life and the world have to offer. Live your life on your own terms. When you die make sure you’ve left your legacy- your positive impact on the world- and that you didn’t just live an ordinary life – you lived an extraordinary one.”
And living an extraordinary life on my own terms is EXACTLY what I intend on doing. Don’t be afraid to jump, step, or stumble off the ledge – have faith that the universe will be there to catch you. And when it does- you’ll be sure to have an amazing story to tell – a remarkable legacy to leave.

Meet Melissa!
Melissa Shearer is a full-time travel blogger, dream-chaser, and adventure seeker. She has given up the 9-to-5 in pursuit of living her life on her own terms and has been traveling, working and living abroad since 2010. Originally from Toronto, Canada she has called the likes of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand’s Far North ‘home’ and prefers living her life out of her 80L backpack. When she’s not too busy throwing herself out of airplanes, scuba diving with sharks or volunteering hands-on with lions, she’s sharing her experiences with the world on her blog The Mellyboo Project. Be sure to follow her on Facebook and Twitter and don’t be afraid to say “hi.”
Awesome article! I really needed the inspiration today. Thank you. And that picture with the lions is badass!
So glad that you enjoyed it, Ashlea! 🙂
Thanks so much Ashlea. I’m glad my post was able to give you that much-needed inspiration. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need some more 😉
And yeah… the lions are incredible. I love them! 🙂
Thanks for sharing this Jacqueline. It was awesome.
So glad you enjoyed it, Audrey! 🙂
Beautiful, what an amazing way to journey through life!
Absolutely Jenny! Melissa’s an incredible human being! 🙂
Wonderful post! I’m so impressed with people who can do this…I live a bit of adventure in Alaska, but I can’t imagine living like this! Good for you, and thank you for sharing! ~ Sheila
Glad that you enjoyed it, Sheila! What kind of adventures are you up to in Alaska?
Great post! I know exactly how you feel!
Glad you liked it, Helen! I agree with you and Melissa! 🙂
I am happy that Melissa got the amazing opportunity to do what she loves. However, I am always surprised that the majority of articles and posts I read on the web about ‘following your dream’ means quitting a 9-5 job and going travelling. At this stage in my life, my dream would actually be to work an awesome 9-5 job in a publishing house! I wonder if anyone else dreams of similar things…
Hi there – just because following MY dreams meant quitting a 9-5 and travelling the world, doesn’t mean yours have to be. If you want the 9-5 and the stable life, that’s completely fine too. I’m just advocating that you should do what makes you happiest – live life on your own terms – whether dictated by societal norms or not. But I feel that a lot of people who DO want the same dream as me tend to be scared of doing it -there are a lot of “what ifs” when you go against the grain – and maybe they need that little push. Maybe they need to see that someone else has done it successfully.
Ultimately I’m not saying my lifestyle is for everybody – cause it’s not – but I’m just saying it’s possible.
Live life on your own terms – whatever they may be.
Hi Melissa. Thank you for your reply. I definitely agree that everyone has their own dreams, which are very different from one person to the next. Congratulations for having had the courage to follow yours and to do something so unique! I hope you inspire others who share your dream to realise their own. I hope I too will be able to realise my dream and to share it with others.
There are definitely numerous ways to live one’s dream! I would love for you to work in a publishing house. What are some ways you can make your dream a reality?
Hi Jacqueline! Well, the first step is to start applying for jobs in publishing houses! And to do it with enthusiasm, love and determination! But most importantly – with the belief that it will all work out 🙂
Yes! Love it! Keep me updated–can’t wait to hear all about your dreams coming true! 🙂
Living life on your own terms is very admirable! Actually that’s what I’ve been doing and I didn’t even realize it. 🙂 I sometimes feel ashamed of my abnormal life – mainly not knowing what I’m doing month to month and not having a concrete plan. This was the reminder I needed that everyone lives life their own way. I shouldn’t judge myself and I definitely shouldn’t judge others for the way they live their life. Great post!
Thanks so much for your lovely comment, Joy! So glad that you’ve been living a life that you love and one that you create! 🙂
Absolutely! I believe that all approaches to life that bring about respect for oneself and others and bring out people’s unique gifts and joy are awesome lives! My grandmother lived that lesson so beautifully. If you get a chance, be sure to check out the 6th episode about her: https://6monthstolive.me/6-months-tv/
Keep living the dream, Joy! You’re doing awesome!