14 days quarantine isolated in your home or hotel can be challenging, but hopefully some of these ideas will help to keep you happy, healthy, and moving forward!
What is the one thing we all seem to want more of? TIME. Now you have it! No more excuses for not finishing that book you started or for finishing that one project that you never have time for. Now’s the time!
- Reconnect! — You remember that kid from 6th grade who was your best buddy, but you both grew up and completely lost touch? Now is the perfect time to reconnect. Have a long conversation. See how he/she is really doing.
- Movies + TV Series — We all have it. 50 movies or TV shows that we’ve never gotten around to seeing. Now’s the time to clear the queue! Watch a new movie every day guilt free.
- Sleep — we never get enough. Always complain about how tired you are, but now you get a hall pass to catch up and bonus, it keeps you healthy.
- Learn Something New — those Chinese lessons you’ve always been putting off, that class you’ve been wanting to take, podcasts for days that you haven’t listened to, that book you’ve been wanting to read. All possible now.
- Daily Playlists — I love music! So I’ve started exploring new songs and making daily playlists to keep my spirits up. Perfect time to practice those new dance moves with no one watching!
- Spring Cleaning — my laptop has not been backed up for 3 years (I know, I know — there just wasn’t time!), but now there is! Perfect time to delete old photos, clean the house, make donation piles, clean up your laptop, and get everything organized for when life is back to normal.
- Work — most of us are working from home, so make the most of it. What new idea has always been on the sidelines that you have time to implement now? How can you use this time to evaluate your business, your job, your company and optimize and expand? We’ve used a great methodology with teams where you divide work (or anything for that matter) into 4 categories: keep, chuck, change, add. Great time to get clear on what’s working, what’s not, and where you want to go personally and as an organization.
Photo from Mindset at Work
- “Do One Thing Everyday that Scares You” — this is one of my favorite Elenor Roosevelt quotes because the idea behind it is that fear stops us from growth. Obviously don’t do anything that scares you that is stupid. But do stretch your comfort zone. What have you always wanted to try? New cooking dish? Pitching a client? Starting something new? No more excuses.
- Spa Day! — perfect time to “Treat Yo Self” and take a long shower, do that mud mask you’ve been saving, overdo it with the moisturizer, do your nails, figure out makeup (in my case because I still have no clue), etc.
- Work Out — TONS of resources online including one of my favs, the Nike App for home workouts to keep you fit, and if you have an injury like I do and can’t jump, check out tons of resources for chair exercises, yoga, etc. All free and easily accessible!
- Visualize What You Really Want Every Day — think of 14 things in your life that you really want. It’s better if these come from the heart — desires you have for your loved ones, for your career, for your life. Every day, focus on one of those dreams and visualize every aspect you can possibly think of for 11 minutes each day.
- Cook — make your favorite foods, especially the ones that take all day. Or try a new recipe or order something new. You never know, you might find your signature dish!
- Stare Off Into Space — this may seem crazy, but there’s a reason Google encourages its employees to spend time doing nothing. Sometimes just day dreaming, watching clouds, or doing nothing can be productive because it gives you a rest from the constant stimulation in our world. Who knows? Maybe you’ll come up with the next big…
- Help Someone — most importantly, this is a hard time for everyone around the world. We’ve all been affected in some shape or form, so who can you help? Make a list and help someone every day. Maybe it’s donating to a cause, or lending your ear. Maybe it’s organizing something for your community. Maybe it’s something you’ve wanted to do for a long time but never had the time. No one does it alone, so be that change in someone else’s life. Pay it forward.
I think of these next 14 days at home as a way to protect and honor my community. Nothing about any of this is convenient, but it is necessary, so why not make the most of it?
Bonus + Other Ideas: think of all that money you’re saving at restaurants, meditate, dance like no one’s watching (literally), laugh extra loud, drink wine, do all the things only YOU want to do (like watching Full House), sing in the shower, eat chocolate, wear your sweatpants, catch up on Outlander, etc.
Life has given us an opportunity to let go of anything that no longer serves us and to invite in something new. When we emerge from this, why not be well rested, healthier, happier, and rejuvenated?
We will all get through this together! If you have any other suggestions, feel free to share!
Journal 10 minutes. Great post
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