
No Regrets

No Regrets
January 3, 2021

Last Words

I spoke to my friend on Christmas day. We spoke of reconnecting, her editing my book, and a socially-distanced get together when I was back in town. Yesterday, I found out that she had passed. Within a week of her Covid diagnosis, she was gone. Patricia was a brilliant woman. One of those people that was a true writer and…
ChoiceNo Regrets
October 5, 2019

Time Traveler

I just finished rewatching one of my favorite movies, It's About Time. It's not ruining the plot to tell you it's about a man who has the ability to travel back in time, but only to moments of his life that he's already lived. What if you had an opportunity to relive any day in your life? Or to undo…
CourageNo Regrets
September 5, 2010

Undo Button

I recently located the "undo" button for my online checkers game, allowing me to instantly erase a move that cost me a king or a double jump. How nice would it be to have an "undo" button for life? How many times have we all said something we wish we could delete or acted in a way we've conveniently glossed…

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6 Months to Live: The Experiment Continues