6 months ago, I started this blog to change my perspective. I wrote each post for me and hoped that someone else might read it or even better, gleam something from my observations and carry it into their daily life. It has been an incredible journey, and I thank each and every one of you for joining me.
What I’ve Learned
If I had to narrow my life goals to one, it would be to have no regrets. Out of all the posts I wrote, two stick with me most and are in my thoughts daily. The first is the one about all the letters I sent to people who made a positive impact in my life. I wrote 168. I still have many more to go. The second is the one about keeping promises to oneself. I still haven’t accomplished all those either: they all have to do with writing. I did, however, move to San Francisco, join a theater group, and make substantial efforts towards achieving my writing goals (gave a public reading, joined writing groups, and wrote more chapters). No one (not even me) could accuse me of not truly living these past 6 months.

New Beginnings
The Biggest Lessons Learned
If this experiment has taught me anything, it’s that life happens. Yes, it would be wonderful to accomplish all the goals we’ve ever had by a certain time, but a friend calls, there’s a trip to the beach, or some other commitment needs attention. It’s okay (I say that more for myself than anyone else)! The bucket list mentality can be a double-edged sword. That in itself can become just another all-consuming checklist. I guess the trick is to have that ever sought after balance between remembering the big picture and keeping an eye on one’s vision, while still leaving room for life and all its miracles to happen.
On that note, I must bike to my rehearsal. We’re choreographing an alien probe dance for a number that’s going to be featured in our production this summer, and I’m in charge of the dance moves!