This is an incredibly powerful self-paced course that will help you get clear on your vision, align with your dreams, and show you how to take action towards manifesting them! If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll never get there.
The top regret of the dying is “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”
I decided at a young age that the one thing I couldn’t live with was regret. So here’s what I did…
Someone asked me what differentiates me and my business from all the other blogs and consulting offerings. It’s a valid question and one that I often discuss with my digital marketing clients. It’s also one of those questions that can be almost as painful as “What do you want to be when you grow up?” or “Who are you?”
I responded with the truth: 6 Months to Live is powerful because it reminds us that we all have a limited time on earth and that how we choose to spend every moment and day, makes up a lifetime. Do I have type A streak? Absolutely. I’ve embraced it. I think it makes me better in everything I do. But I don’t let it hold me back because on my deathbed, I want to confidently say, “I have no regrets.” I would rather have tried and failed any day than never known what could be…

Thanks to all those who entered the contest!
This class is perfect for:
- Getting clear on your vision for 2014
- Those who are ready to live the life they really want
- Learning how to listen, align with, and follow your intuition to manifest your dreams
- Inspiration: Resources + 3 video lessons: 1) How to Get Clear On Your Vision 2) How to Break through Fear (and other challenges) 3) How to Take Action to Create Your Dreams!
- Action Items: Exercises + workbook to help you take action on your dreams!
- Community: access to a private Facebook group of like-minded people where you can connect and receive support in building your dreams!
Pricing: $55 |Bonus: Congratulations to Nancy Moon for winning an entire set of number books from Live Inspired! Woo hoo! If you’re ready to be even more awesome, join us!
Note* After you checkout via Paypal your course will be delivered within the hour via email. If for some reason, it does not arrive, please email, and I will make sure it’s taken care of asap. See you soon!
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