As you may have noticed from the recent Facebook posts, I’ve moved to the mountains! I see more animals daily than people. Am surrounded by forest in all directions, and wake up to mornings like this…
My 3 months living here have already taught me a lot. You’d be amazed at how much you can learn by observing nature, so I’m starting a series on the blog called Lessons from the Mountain.**
People often ask me, “Why?! Why would you move from San Francisco to the middle-of-nowhere?” The simplest and truest answer is because this is where I want to be right now.
2013 was an absolute whirlwind! I traveled to 8 countries and all over the States, lost my appendix in Panama, and started my own business. It was full throttle kind of year!
We all go through various seasons in our life, and each one is important and significant in its own way. With the time changes and my travel schedule, I spent most of last year in Spring or Summer climates, so I have been relishing winter.
Winter often gets a bad rap, especially this year with all the snow. I’ve seen numerous Facebook posts begging Spring to be here, so it seemed fitting to write a tribute hai ku on its last day in 2014.
Thank you, Winter love.
Ephemeral snow flakes.
Still black star-filled nights.
No matter what season of life this post finds you in, may you delight in it! Know that it has something to offer you and that the next season will come in right timing. Goodbye Winter. Hello Spring!
**6 Months is now receiving regular guest post submissions, so if you’d like to share your own lessons from your mountain, forest, or beach, feel free to reach out to for more information)**
Awesome. I am not one who asks why you would want to live in the mountains and your first picture is the reason why. 2013 may have been a whirlwind but sometimes a crawl is better! Keep living!
Thanks for reading and commenting, Dominick! YES! So true. I’ve been enjoying the solitude, peace, and slower pace of mountain life. As much as I love motion, I find that standing still can also teach a lot! Are you a nature lover as well?
Love this Jackie. The right thing does come along at the right time. ALWAYS!
Thanks Lindsey! So true also. I often remind myself that the universe has more information than I do, especially when things don’t show up exactly as I’d prefer them to. Looking back, it’s clear that everything works out in perfect timing! 😉
Hi Jackie, welcome back to the east coast! I always love your ideas, and the new series is just perfect. This picture of the mountains with fog….breathtaking. {At some point, I would love to be part of your “lessons from the mountains”.}
Thanks Nancy! I’m enjoying being back on the east coast after 4 years. 🙂 So glad that you like the idea for the series and YES, would love to have you as part of the “Lessons from the Mountain” series. I’ll email you with ideas, timelines, etc. Excited–thank you!