By March 11, 2013March 13th, 2013Travel

Guess what?!

Remember when I left everything behind to pursue my dream of traveling the world? I gave everything away, said “auf wiedersehen” to my friends in San Francisco, and was off on my sailing adventure through Mexico!

Sailing in the Sea of Cortez

Sailing in the Sea of Cortez

I had an absolutely amazing time, but I still had much of Central America and South America to explore before heading onto Africa and to the Himalayas. I was traveling through Panama last month when I had to receive an emergency appendectomy and returned to the States to recover. This wasn’t exactly in my plans, but it won’t stop my dream of traveling the world, especially now that I’m all healed up!

My wonderful surgeon, Dr. Bailey

My wonderful surgeon, Dr. Bailey

Want to know my BIGGEST DREAM? The absolute biggest dream I’ve ever wished for is to travel around the world for the next 6 months, all expenses paid, and at the end of it, have money left over to create my start-up, which would connect people all over the world to achieve their dreams in an unprecedented way!

I have fantastic news! I have an opportunity to win a contest that would pay for my travel around the world for the next 6 months + give me $50K at the end as seed money to begin my start-up!

This is how I fel about this contest! I literally jumped up and down for 30 minutes shrieking even knowing that it existed!

This is how I feel about this contest! Photo by Vanessa Hellmann

The top 5 with the most votes automatically makes it to the finals in London next month. Would you mind doing me a huge favor and vote for me and share in your networks?
How can I vote?
  1. Please visit my entry on Panama,
  2. Vote by sharing from as many accounts as you have (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Stumble, Pinterest, G+). All count towards the votes!
  3. Tell your friends about my dream on social media, emails, coffee shops, messenger pigeons, etc! 😉
What should I say when I share?
You can say whatever you’d like, but if you’re having trouble coming up with ideas, here are some options:
  1. Please vote for my friend, Jackie, and make her absolute dream of traveling the world come true!
  2. Do your good deed for the day, and help my friend’s dream come true by voting for her and sharing in your network!
  3. If you could make someone’s dream come true today, would you? Please help my friend, Jackie, realize her dream of traveling the world by voting for her and spreading the word!
Any help you can provide would be most appreciated!

Thank you so much for all your support throughout this journey and for helping me achieve MY BIGGEST DREAM!!!
Now, it’s your turn, what’s your biggest dream? 
Remember: Your DREAMS count!

Remember: Your DREAMS count!

Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Trish says:

    This is so crazy because…when I was in Ethiopia volunteering my appendix was starting to go. I flew home (on schedule) and two days later it pop’d. What are the odds?

    • Jacqueline says:

      Wow! So, your appendix burst? Luckily, I made it to the hospital in time. Were you in the hospital for a long time? It’s great that you were able to get home!

  • C Ohara says:

    Hey awesome! 😀

    I just voted!

    Or at least I think I did…. I clicked on the Twitter button and it got me to Tweet that I voted, lol.

    Good luck! 😀

    And thanks for following me on Twitter. :3

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