
freedom Archives - 6 Months to Live: The Experiment Continues

November 3, 2011

Whole People. Whole Lives.

I recently took a risk. I added business contacts to my Facebook page and uploaded my personal blog on LinkedIn. I've always maintained a clear line between my professional life and my personal life. This seemingly simple switch came from a recent conversation I had about modern global leadership. Integrating Personal + Professional I will be the first to admit…
PlayWhy not?
July 20, 2011

“Shit Happens!”

Since I referenced Forrest Gump in my last post about the importance of play, I figured "Why stop?" The Capture the Flag event at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco was incredible and quite international. In addition to the US of A, players hailed from Canada, China, Colombia, France, and New Zealand. There was a good mix of people that…
PlayWhy not?
July 15, 2011


What was your favorite part about childhood? Mud pies? Make believe? Dressing up? Climbing trees? Running for no reason Capture the flag? Sidewalk chalk? Forts? All these activities share something in common: unbridled freedom, creativity, and fun! Photo by Marjorie Bertrand on Unsplash Why do we stop using the word play? If I had one phrase to capture my early…
CourageNo Regrets
September 5, 2010

Undo Button

I recently located the "undo" button for my online checkers game, allowing me to instantly erase a move that cost me a king or a double jump. How nice would it be to have an "undo" button for life? How many times have we all said something we wish we could delete or acted in a way we've conveniently glossed…

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6 Months to Live: The Experiment Continues