I know what you’re thinking. 2020 has brought so much sadness, death, suffering, struggle, challenge, sacrifice, and the list goes on. What could possibly be the gift in a year where most people around the world would unanimously agree, “enough of 2020 already.”

This meme has been making its rounds.
some of the gifts that come to mind
- Awareness — it seems that 2020 has been a global year of clarity. Everything, whether we want to acknowledge it or not, on a domestic, global, personal, and public scale has come to light. Nothing can change in any area of our lives without first being aware that a problem actually exists. Only then can we do something to change it.
- Priorities — nothing makes priorities clearer than a global pandemic, protests, rising unemployment rates, etc. Building on awareness, you probably have a much clearer view of your own personal priorities. What actually matters to you now? Who matters? What do you want to spend your time doing?
- Time — I’ve never had this much time. Even when I was a kid, we had constant activity. I’ve thrived on being busy. I’ve enjoyed the flutter of events, calls, meetings, lunches, travels, and much more my entire life. It was an adjustment at first to go from 15-hour work days and activities to 8-10. I’ve been eating breakfast outside. Savoring my drives. Reading. Educating myself on Black Lives Matter and other important issues. Taking action on new ventures and passion projects that have long been on the back-burner and because of Covid, I have almost no FOMO. (I realize that if you’re a parent, this is a whole different situation, but I’m hoping that the extra time with your kids, having meals, sharing space has been transformative and overall good for everyone). What does time look like for you? Are you making the most of the time you have?
- Health — How can health be a gift in 2020? If you’ve managed to stay healthy or survive Covid. You’re winning. I know many people across the States that have survived Covid and friends of friends who have passed. I have many friends and family in healthcare, and it’s a horrible disease. You get bonus points if you’ve used the time to get even healthier. I’ll admit the first several months of 2020, I got into some pretty bad eating habits, but I started Whole 30 21 days ago. This is my third time doing in the past three years, and I have to admit, I’ve been grateful for the reset.
- Relationships — whether they’ve been good, great, or ugly, you’re probably clearer now than ever where you stand with your friends, family, significant (or insignificant) other. This is a gift because it allows you to address, change, and heal anything that is no longer serving you.
- Environment — while the world went indoors, wildlife healed and thrived! This shows us that if we change, change is possible for our planet.
The Biggest Gift of All
We’re at a choice point. We have an unprecedented opportunity to create a better world. But we have to do it together. We have to make that choice.
We have to take responsibility for our own lives and help each other wherever possible. At the end of the day, we have to ask ourselves, are we going to stay in the sorrow of 2020 or are we going to build a better tomorrow?
Change can be hard. This can help
Last year, I wrote a post called “What does it take to make a change?” Usually change happens as a result of extreme desire or pain. If we’re in the middle, we most likely won’t stick to any changes made. Take healthy eating for example. Whole 30 is great, but the truth is I’ve already done it three times over the past three years, and I wasn’t consistent with my changes.
Consistency is not a sexy word, but that’s why I chose it as my theme word for 2020 (little did I know, right?).
Now’s the time. Get clear about what you want.
- What are your priorities?
- Who is most important to you?
- What change do you wish to see the world?
- What unique skills do you have that can help bring about that change?
- What dream is worth pursuing?
- What needs to change?
If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that nothing is guaranteed. Accept the gifts of 2020. Enjoy your life. Be present. Truly listen. Be a good friend. Laugh. Above, all live!
Hi Jacqueline – Thanks for sharing your insightful post! It’s true that 2020 has brought us several gifts despite all the sadness and chaos.
After many years of trying to get pregnant and have a healthy baby, my greatest gift was the birth of my daughter in June 2020. In addition, working from home has allowed me to spend quality time with family, enjoy walking outdoors in nature, and learn to cook new dishes.
I believe that the global pandemic has challenged us to appreciate the simple things in life – as well as strengthen relationships with people we care about (albeit virtual).
Hopefully after all the challenges in 2020, the next year will bring us better health, wisdom, and peace.
Thank you so much for your comment, Jenna! Somehow I am just now seeing this. Apologies for the delayed response! That is so wonderful about your daughter and all the joys that you’ve found in the midst of the chaos of 2020.
And couldn’t agree more with what you said, “I believe that the global pandemic has challenged us to appreciate the simple things in life – as well as strengthen relationships with people we care about (albeit virtual).”
I hope so too! 2021 has definitely been a mix of highs and lows so far both personally and on a global scale, but through it all, I definitely feel a more profound focus on simple joys and love, which in the end, is all that truly matters.