

ChoiceCourageHeartLifeLife changing momentspassionQuestions that CountSoulTrust
December 30, 2011

Cleaning House: Making Room for a New Year

The Chinese have a beautiful tradition for Spring Festival, or Chinese New Year. Each family cleans their house thoroughly before the end of the year. In mopping, dusting, and sweeping every nook and cranny, the old energy of the previous year is cleared away, and there is space for the new. On the first day of the new year (according…
HeartTruly Living
March 27, 2011

A Tribute to My Grandmother

My grandmother passed on Ash Wednesday, March 9, 2011. I was given the honor to speak at her funeral 2 weeks ago. This is what I said about Mary Teresa, a woman that is dearly missed and will always be in our hearts. Mary Teresa Boone | 1910-2011 Eulogy for My Grandmother I’ve always known Grandmother is an angel. It…
July 14, 2010

Be You

The most courageous act you will ever commit is to simply be yourself. I rarely speak in absolutes, I can confidently say it takes sheer courage to be all of who we are. While living in China, one of the most prominent cultural differences I noticed was the idea of sacrifice and duty to one's family, culture, and society. Of…

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6 Months to Live: The Experiment Continues