

February 12, 2017

Another Kind of V-Day

We all enter the world the same---vulnerable and clueless. From day 1, we rely on our communities to school us in who we are in relation to others, what to (not) believe, and how to go about life. At some point, we may question one or more of these stories, and that's when the magic begins. the courage to question  How…
Life changing momentsTravelVulnerability
November 4, 2015

The Definition of a True Friend

A good friend of mine completely blew me away today. I went into our conversation concerned that after hearing what I had to share that he may no longer want to have anything to do with me. Even though uncomfortable and scary, I knew that I had to speak with him because I believe that true friendships are built on honesty. Rather than being…
TED TalkVulnerability
December 7, 2010

The “V” Word

"Courage is to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart." -Dr. Brené Brown's TED Talk I've tried to write this post several times in the past month. It started with a breakup. It took a detour with an empowering TED Talk I watched today that essentially says the people that feel the most loved and connected…

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6 Months to Live: The Experiment Continues