Why 28 is Great!

By October 25, 2011October 5th, 2019Perspective, Thought Provoking

Even at 100, my grandmother always said, “My favorite age is the one I’m at because I’ll never be this age again.” As a kid, that statement seemed  obvious. “Of course you would enjoy and appreciate the age you’re at,” I thought to myself, but as I got older, I found myself wanting to look older and now that I’m 28, starting to want to look slightly younger. And then I remember my Grandmother’s words. I’ll never be 28 again, and I’m already 3 months into this age. Will I spend this year wishing I was younger or older or will I feel gratitude now for all the beauty of being a 28-year-old?

Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

Let’s Start a New Tradition

I’ve decided to start a new personal tradition, and I welcome anyone else who would like to join. For every age, I want to make a list at least once a year about why I enjoy the age I’m at.

Here’s what I love about 28 so far:

  • I’m still young, but I’m old enough to have had some amazing experiences and know something about life
  • Being this close to 30 is lighting a bit of a fire under my ass to see and do more (even though 30 is just another number anyway)
  • I’m old enough to start thinking more long-term, but I’m not in a rush!
  • I know who I am, and I care less and less what others think of me
  • I don’t worry about my body image anymore like I used to

What are you grateful for at the age you’re at?

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