
Life changing moments

Life changing moments
January 18, 2020


Consistency -- it's not the sexiest word. Usually my new year's words are more along the lines of Freedom, Adventure, Joy, Dreams, or something equally opening and inspiring. If you told me a year ago I would start the new decade with a word like "Consistency," I would have scoffed and laughed in your face, and yet here I am…
Life changing moments
September 18, 2019

慢慢来: The Hidden Gifts in Slowing Down

Chinese have a popular saying, "man man lai." It literally translates as "slow, slow, come," but essentially means to take things slowly or to give it time. I have fought this idea my entire life. On the Move I love going fast. I love being out, exploring the world. I love moving forward. This is why living in New York…
Life changing momentsTravelVulnerability
November 4, 2015

The Definition of a True Friend

A good friend of mine completely blew me away today. I went into our conversation concerned that after hearing what I had to share that he may no longer want to have anything to do with me. Even though uncomfortable and scary, I knew that I had to speak with him because I believe that true friendships are built on honesty. Rather than being…
ChoiceLife changing momentsWhy not?
March 27, 2015

Let’s Start a Movement

6 Months to Live began November 11, 2009 as a personal 6-month experiment, and more than two years later, it has grown into a life philosophy. Today the blog has almost 26,000 visits, nearly 450 subscribers, and is soon to be a web TV show. I am so grateful and honored by all of you who read, comment, like, subscribe,…
Life changing moments
October 23, 2014

Express Train to Nowhere

I had a "New in NY" moment today. In an effort to get home after a networking meeting, I hopped on the first train I saw. Everyone else was rushing to make it before the doors closed, so I assumed I needed to be on that train. Then I noticed the train was going fast--too fast. We passed by stop after stop, and at first,…
ClassesCourageLife changing moments
March 20, 2014

Big Vision Mastermind!

What would you do if you had 6 months to live? This single question forever changed my life. It immediately focused my dreams and showed me what was most important. It also reminded me that there are no guarantees and that the true gift in life is to experience what makes you come alive, which naturally inspires and helps others! This…
Life changing moments
December 18, 2013

No Regrets. Many To Do’s

I received shocking news Sunday morning. A good friend and former colleague of mine's mom died unexpectedly. Although I didn't know my friend's mother personally, I know she was a kindred spirit. Someone who lived out loud and without regret. She was moments away from receiving her Ph.D in Australia, starting her own business, and creating her own inspirational movement in her…

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6 Months to Live: The Experiment Continues