
Choice Archives - Page 3 of 5 - 6 Months to Live: The Experiment Continues

HealthLife Experiments
November 1, 2011

21 Days: Day 21+

Yay! My friend and I have successfully completed our 21-day experiment of eating extremely healthy. It was at times downright difficult, even in San Francisco, but it was worthwhile. Last Sunday, we ate our final meal and discussed some of the challenges and rewards of the journey while munching on my all-time favorite, Persian food. Rewards I didn't get my…
PerspectiveThought Provoking
October 25, 2011

Why 28 is Great!

Even at 100, my grandmother always said, "My favorite age is the one I'm at because I'll never be this age again." As a kid, that statement seemed  obvious. "Of course you would enjoy and appreciate the age you're at," I thought to myself, but as I got older, I found myself wanting to look older and now that I'm…
July 25, 2011

Finding My Voice: First Banjo Song!

I've written my first song for the banjo! "Eliza" will make its debut at an open mic sometime in August, and I have plans to record it as well as to feature it on Youtube, so stay tuned... Photo taken by Tian Jiang My Love of Music Started Young I attribute much of my initial musical appreciation and education to…
PlayWhy not?
July 15, 2011


What was your favorite part about childhood? Mud pies? Make believe? Dressing up? Climbing trees? Running for no reason Capture the flag? Sidewalk chalk? Forts? All these activities share something in common: unbridled freedom, creativity, and fun! Photo by Marjorie Bertrand on Unsplash Why do we stop using the word play? If I had one phrase to capture my early…
May 24, 2011

Saying Yes! The Banjo Post

When was the last time you did exactly what you felt like doing? Not what you "should" do, not what you kind of wanted to do, exactly what you wanted--no compromises.  How many times a day do we tell ourselves, "not today" or "one day?" Photo by Tian Jiang What have you been putting off? I woke up about a…
May 1, 2011

In-between Sizes

Remember that awkward puberty period? That was fun. Clothes were either too big or too tight. Styles looked good one month and a sudden body shift would turn it into a trash item. Our society addresses this idea of limbo with a somewhat negative connotation. There's a pressure to figure it out immediately, "What are your plans?" True Growth Comes…
November 12, 2010

I Believe!

Today marks the 1-year-anniversary of 6 Months to Live! It's been quite the week leading up to this moment: featured on Freshly Pressed for the first time, feeling incredible highs and lows, and reconnecting with numerous friends to name a few of the highlights of the past 7 days. If I had to single out one overarching theme or thought…
PerspectiveThought Provoking
November 2, 2010

Being Human

Where does the line between aiming for one's personal best and perfectionism lie? Those close to me know that I have very high standards for myself, and I'm always striving to be a better version of me. An unfortunate side effect of this seemingly noble goal is that I don't cut myself (and sometimes others) much slack. Enjoy the Journey…
Heart LanguageThought Provoking
September 21, 2010

It’s in the Stars—Or Not

I believe in yuan fen (Chinese word for fate). I read my horoscope occasionally. I pay attention to the cycles of the moon. My thought is if the moon controls tides, it affects people too. Thousands of years of studying and observing the stars and planets has to mean something. Many cultures examine charts to decide an auspicious day to…

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6 Months to Live: The Experiment Continues