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May 1, 2011

In-between Sizes

Remember that awkward puberty period? That was fun. Clothes were either too big or too tight. Styles looked good one month and a sudden body shift would turn it into a trash item. Our society addresses this idea of limbo with a somewhat negative connotation. There's a pressure to figure it out immediately, "What are your plans?" True Growth Comes…
HeartTruly Living
March 27, 2011

A Tribute to My Grandmother

My grandmother passed on Ash Wednesday, March 9, 2011. I was given the honor to speak at her funeral 2 weeks ago. This is what I said about Mary Teresa, a woman that is dearly missed and will always be in our hearts. Mary Teresa Boone | 1910-2011 Eulogy for My Grandmother I’ve always known Grandmother is an angel. It…
TED TalkVulnerability
December 7, 2010

The “V” Word

"Courage is to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart." -Dr. Brené Brown's TED Talk I've tried to write this post several times in the past month. It started with a breakup. It took a detour with an empowering TED Talk I watched today that essentially says the people that feel the most loved and connected…
November 12, 2010

I Believe!

Today marks the 1-year-anniversary of 6 Months to Live! It's been quite the week leading up to this moment: featured on Freshly Pressed for the first time, feeling incredible highs and lows, and reconnecting with numerous friends to name a few of the highlights of the past 7 days. If I had to single out one overarching theme or thought…
November 9, 2010


My grandmother turns 100 next week. I've had the privilege to know her a quarter of her life. When I was born, I had an Apgar score of 1 (10 is a perfectly healthy baby and 0 is a dead one). Needless to say, my parents were stressed. My grandmother and the rest of the family drove down from Kentucky…
Heart LanguageThought Provoking
September 21, 2010

It’s in the Stars—Or Not

I believe in yuan fen (Chinese word for fate). I read my horoscope occasionally. I pay attention to the cycles of the moon. My thought is if the moon controls tides, it affects people too. Thousands of years of studying and observing the stars and planets has to mean something. Many cultures examine charts to decide an auspicious day to…
July 14, 2010

Be You

The most courageous act you will ever commit is to simply be yourself. I rarely speak in absolutes, I can confidently say it takes sheer courage to be all of who we are. While living in China, one of the most prominent cultural differences I noticed was the idea of sacrifice and duty to one's family, culture, and society. Of…
Why wait?
November 23, 2009

Day 12: Letters of Appreciation

In a moment of last night's journal writing lucidity, I decided to write letters this holiday season to all the people who have made a positive impact in my life. I'm writing to all my loved ones and to anyone I may have unresolved issues with, no matter how minor. If I did only have 6 months left, I would…

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6 Months to Live: The Experiment Continues